Advice from the
Michelin technician
1 Check the condition of your rims before f itting the tyre.
Check the wear level on your tyres (using the indicator on the tread) if
the motorcycle is f itted with previously-used tyres.
Adjust the cold pressure once the tyre is f itted and balanced. Comply
scrupulously with the pressures we recommend or that your Michelin
Technician has given you.
Set your tyre warmers to 90 degrees and place them on your tyres for
at least 1 hour. Check that these are plugged in correctly and in good
operating condition, and do so regularly throughtout the warming period.
Advice from the Michelin Man:
Place your warmers f ixing strap level with the valve; this will make it easier
to check your pressure because you’ll know where your valve is positioned.
Adjust your tyre pressure when hot. (minimum 80°C) before going out
onto the track (record them).
Install valve caps in order to guarantee your tyres are airtight. Never
ride without the valve caps on.
Once all these steps have been followed, you can hit the track!
On returning to the pits, read and record your tyre pressures in order
to know whether you have the correct pressure recommended by your
manufacturer Adjust the pressures if necessary in accordance with the
values found
Replaces the warmers on your tyres fairly quickly so as not to allow
them to cool down suddently and so that you can reuse them under the
best conditions
Advice from the Michelin Man
To reduce the tyres warming cycle it is recommended the tyres be kept under
warmers throughout the day
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