III - Pressure
how to choose a motorcycle inner tube
How do you know if rims are TL or TT?
Cast rims
A cast rim is Tubeless (TL) as the spokes do not
compromise the seal.
In this table, you will f ind what we have just explained, presented in a synthesis:
TT tyre (Tube Type)Inner tube*Inner tube*
TL tyre (Tubeless)Inner tube*Inner tube*
*we recommend using a rim band
Inner tube for road motorcycle and scooter
There are two steps to choose the right inner tube for road usage:
1.The tube must match the size of your tyre. You should therefore start by identifying your tyre size to f ind the right inner tube.
2.Then choose the type of valve (if more than one choice is of fered).
For the same size there is sometimes a choice between two types of valves:
-straight valve
-angled valve
How to choose a valve?
The shape of the valve determines how easy it is to pressurise the tyre. When access to the valve is dif f icult, for example because of
the braking system, it may be easier to apply pressure with an angled valve rather than a straight valve.
Inner tube for of f-road motorcycle
For of f-road, we of fer two types of inner tubes:
Reinforced robust
UltraHeavy Duty UHD more robust 4mm thickness
Here the choice of valve does not matter as it is always straight
Between the reinforced or UltraHeavy Duty UHD inner tube you will be more secure in terms of resistance with the latter
provided of course that it exists in your dimensions
The MICHELIN Bib Mousse
Since the MICHELIN Bib MousseTM contains no air it is an excellent of froad choice for never having to worry about punctures See
the dimensions of the MICHELIN Bib Mousse
We recommend that you use a new rim tape and a new inner tube every time you install a new tyre
Important :
With a cast rim and a Tubeless tyre, we
do not recommend f itting an inner tube
in the tyre. This is because in the event
of a puncture, the tyre could be f lattened
instantly and suddenly.
When to change the valve of a
tubeless tyre?
If you have a rubber valve: we recommend
changing the valve at every tyre change.
If you have a metal valve: we recommend
changing the valve seal at every tyre
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