III - Pressure
Adhere to the pressure recommended
by the vehicle manufacturer, regularly
checking that this is proving suitable for
your particular use of the bike
If a tyre is inf lated when hot, the pressure must be adjusted in line with
manufacturer recommendations. To be correct, you should be aware that
the pressure may be around 0.3 bars higher than the recommended level
when cold.
• Hot tyre pressure reading = 2.6 bar
• Recommended cold pressure= 2,5 bar
• What we should read = 2.8 bar
• Add 0.2 bar
Inf lation with nitrogen
Does not mean that frequent pressure checks are not to be made. After
checking the tyre pressures do not forget to replace the valve cap which in
addition to the valve body ensures an airtight seal
Valve cap
A valve cap is essential to ensure a correct airtight seal In fact at high
speed the valve body can be pushed in by simple centrifugal force
This leads to a loss of pressure and the risk is eliminated simply by f itting a
valve cap
These recommendations apply to tyres for
use on the road On a track and for racing in
general there are special recommendations
for this type of use
Manufacturer tyre pressures are carefully
arrived at and are safe and ef fective, however
the possibility exists that on rare occasions
they can prove to be less than perfect.
If the tyre starts to exhibit any signs of uneven
or abnormal wear when using recommended
tyre pressures then seek expert advice.
Riding with underinf lated tyres may result in
complete tyre failure and subsequent loss of
control of the vehicle
Useful tips
• Check tyre pressure every 2 weeks and when cold (a tyre that has not run for at least 2 hours or has run for less than 3 km at a reduced
• Adhere to the pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer regularly checking that this is proving suitable for your particular use
of the bike.
• A tyre should never be def lated when hot.
• After checking the tyre pressures do not forget to replace the valve cap which in addition to the valve body, ensures an airtight seal.
• Inf lation with nitrogen does not mean that frequent pressure checks are not to be made.
If a check is made after use, it will be made on a hot tyre. Since pressure
increases with the temperature, a tyre should never be def lated when hot.
MICHELIN Motorcycle and scooter 172
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