Threats to the tyre
The three main threats to the tyre are physical, environmental and human.
They are usually related to the inf lation pressure, damage, the level of wear of the tread, weather conditions, maintenance,
load conditions and speed, ... etc.
With so many parameters involved, it is impossible to accurately predict the lifespan of a tyre.
•Poor conditions of storage
•Wear and damage (punctures, cuts, impacts, cracking/ crazing of the tread/sidewall rubber, lumps and bulges, etc).
•Extreme temperature.
•Solvents, Hydrocarbons
•Does not perform routine tyre checks for wear or damage.
•Does not maintain proper tyre pressure (under inf lation or over inf lation).
•Re-inf lates a tyre that has run f lat or seriously under-inf lated.
•Does not change a tyre before it reaches the legal wear limit.
•Neglecting a change in behavior of the bike, loss of pressure, vibration, noise, ...
•Does not inspect a tyre after a severe impact.
•Has an aggressive riding style.
Uses tyres of dif ferent sizes or types
Does not replace the valve when replacing a tubeless tyre
Repairs a tyre themselves rather than go to a tyre specialist
Temporary repairs that become a permanent solution
Mount a tyre on a wheel that is damaged or distorted
Does not store tyres correctly
Tyres tested on dynamometers
Motorcycle or scooter tyres that have been used for performance tests on dynamometers should not be used for normal outdoor
riding afterwards Specif ic test tyres or worn smooth tyres should be used for dynamometer tests
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