For Michelin Bib Mousse™
•MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ should not be stored regularly at temperatures over 30°C,
and temperatures above 40°C should be avoided all together.
•MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ are designed for of f road competition use f itted
to Michelin tyres. The successful f itting and performance of MICHELIN Bib Mousse™
in tyre brands other than Michelin cannot be guaranteed.
•Not designed for use on the public highway (NHS). The maximum speed for a tyre
with a MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ f itted is 80mph.
•The date of f irst use of the MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ should be no later than 18
months from manufacture.
•The MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ should be used within 6 months of f irst f itting.
Operating mode: demounting a MICHELIN Bib Mousse™
The Michelin recommendations
Operating mode: mounting a MICHELIN Bib Mousse™
date of
18 months maximum
6 months
Usage recommendation:
preferably to be used
within 6 months after
the date of first use.
•Place the wheel on a f itting cradle or support.
•Unseat the f irst bead and lubricate abundantly.
•Put 3 levers in position, 10 cm apart. Remove the bead by inclining
the 3 levers one after the other. Keep only one lever, straighten it then
turn the tyre on the wheel to completely remove the bead.
• Finish removing the tyre by hooking the 2nd bead with a lever.
• Extract the MICHELIN Bib Mousse™ insert from the tyre.
The rim must be in good condition Check the spokes to prevent
abnormal friction between the MICHELIN Bib Mousse and wheel
Position a rim tape inside the wheel or failing this a piece of adhesive
tape covering the spoke nuts
Place the wheel on the f itting unit
Place the MICHELIN Bib Mousse gel inside the tyre We recommend
applying it with a brush Avoid getting the gel on the tyre beads Risk
of rotation on the rim
If necessary apply vertical pressure on the tyre to prize the beads
Position the MICHELIN Bib Mousse inside the tyre
Lubricate the f irst tyre bead and the part of the MICHELIN Bib
Mousse that will be in contact with the rim a Michelin liquid lubricant
should be used
Make sure there is no valve on the rim
Put the f irst bead onto the rim Start by positioning it in the rim well
then use a f itting lever if necessary Insert the MICHELIN Bib Mousse
as far as it will go into the rim well
Lubricate the 2nd tyre bead
First put the bead onto the rim using a f itting lever
Immobilize this lever and then use a 2nd lever around 30 cm from the
f irst to continue inserting the bead
Immobilize this 2nd lever then use a 3rd one to continue positioning of
the bead etc until the bead is fully in position
To seat the beads of the tyre correctly against the rim f langes it is
recommended to inf late it to approximately 35 bars using a rubber
TL valve The valve is f ixed on the inf lation connector and simply
positioned over the valve hole in the rim
Technical data
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