tyre markings
Index kph Index kph Index kph Index kph Index kph Index kph Index kph Index kph
B 50 E 70 J 100 M 130 Q 160 T 190 V 240(W)>270
C 60 F 80 K 110 N 140 R 170 U 200(V)>240
D 65 G 90 L 120 P 150 S 180 H 210 W 270
Index kg Index kg Index kg Index kg Index kg Index kg Index kg Index kg
20 80 30 106 40 140 50 190 60 250 70 335 80 450 90 600
21 82,5 31 109 41 145 51 195 61 257 71 345 81 462 91 615
22 85 32 112 42 150 52 200 62 265 72 355 82 475 92 630
23 87,5 33 115 43 155 53 206 63 272 73 365 83 487 93 650
24 90 34 118 44 160 54 212 64 280 74 375 84 500 94 670
25 92,5 35 121 45 165 55 218 65 290 75 387 85 515 95 690
26 95 36 125 46 170 56 224 66 300 76 400 86 530 96 710
27 97,5 37 128 47 175 57 230 67 307 77 412 87 545 97 730
28 100 38 132 48 180 58 236 68 315 78 425 88 560 98 750
29 103 39 136 49 185 59 243 69 325 79 437 89 580 99 775
The LOAD INDEX is a numerical code associated with the maximum load a tyre can carry at the speed indicated by its Speed Symbol under service
conditions specif ied by the tyre manufacturer.
The SPEED INDEX indicates the maximum speed at which the tyre can carry a load corresponding to its Load Index under
service conditions specif ied by the tyre manufacturer.
(W) Speed index
Every motorcycle requires tyres with the right speed rating. Speed ratings
def ine the maximum speed at which any tyre with that rating is approved.
This homologation level is unambiguous when the speed index is limited to J =
100, S = 180, H = 210... This is not the case for the speed ratings in brackets (V)
= «> 240» and (W) = «>270», whose limits are not explicitly def ined.
In this case, it’s the tyre manufacturer’s responsibility to guarantee the tyre’s
maximum speed. as well as the load carried at this speed. To f ind out the
maximum speed and load for a given size and range, please contact your
Michelin representative. The example below illustrates this maximum speed
and load capacity for a 190/55 ZR 17 (75W) tyre.
It is important to know the maximum speed capability
of the bike before a (W) speed rated tyre is f itted. If the
bike is capable of a higher speed than the tyre is, the
rider must be warned of this. This is also a consideration
for of f-road biased tyres such as the MICHELIN Anakee
Wild and the MICHELIN Anakee Adventure, in some cases
the speed index is lower on the MICHELIN Anakee Wild
and the MICHELIN Anakee Adventure, than the speed
capability of the bike, and the OE tyre f itment. The rider
must be warned of this.
Speed ratings def ine the maximum speed at which any tyre with
that rating is approved This homologation level is unambiguous
when the speed index is limited to J 100 S 180 H 210
This is not the case for the speed ratings in brackets V 240
and W 270 whose limits are not explicitly def ined
In this case its the tyre manufacturers responsibility to
guarantee the tyres maximum speed
As well as the load carried at this speed To f ind out the
maximum speed and load for a given size and range please
contact your Michelin representative The example below
illustrates this maximum speed and load capacity for a 19055
ZR 17 75W tyre
Every motorcycle requires tyres with the right speed rating.
Speed load capacity of a tyre speed index (W)
m a x l o a d
c h a r g e m a x k g
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
speed kph
Technical data
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