step 1 step 2 step 3
Replace your tyre if
the tyre depth is at
the level of the tread
wear indicator (which
complies with regulation
at 0,8mm) ;
you can easily f ind the
tread wear indicators
with the small
Bibendum icons located
on the shoulder of the
Michelin tyre
Unscrew the valve and
allow the tyre to def late
Break the seal between
the tyre beads and the rim
and lubricate the rim and
Remove the tyre using two
tyre levers
For a tyre
In all cases, it is essential to refer to the technical instructions of the tyre manufacturer, vehicle manufacturer
and wheel manufacturer, as well as the user manual for the tyre-f itting machinery or equipment.
If the rim shows evidence of damage, the tyres must be deflated
prior to removal of the whole fitment
For On Road usage new tyres require a period of bedding in before normal use Michelin suggests that riders start slowly and use
gentle acceleration and braking and low lean angles to bed the tyres in gradually increasing the demands on the tyres until you
become accustomed to the performance of your new tyres in conjunction with your motorcycleWe recommend at least 60 miles
100 kms for this process This applies to all our motorcycle and scooter tyres
For track usage tyres NHS and road legal after NEW tyres f itting or at the beginning of each session Michelin advises to
With tyrewarmers maintain the temperature with suf f icient hard use from the start
Without tyrewarmers riders should start more slowly and use more gentle acceleration and braking and lower lean angles to bed
the tyres in gradually increasing the demands on the tyres until you become accustomed to the performance of your new tyres in
conjunction with your motorcycle
For the Rain NHS tyres after NEW tyre f itting and at the beginning of each session avoid overly strong acceleration braking and
cornering Gradually increase the running pace in order to become accustomed to the available grip limits which are reduced when
compared to dry conditions
Mounting/Demounting operations with semi-automatic mounting machine
step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4
Check orientation of wheel
and tyre before f itting
Lubricate both beads
Perform bead to rim
mounting using suitable
levers and f inishing at the
location of the valve
Inf late without the valve
core up to 3.5 BAR (51 psi) for
proper bead seating. Replace
the valve core, inf late to the
recommended pressure
• The rim must be clean and in good condition.
• Make sure it is compatible with tubeless tyres.
• Valve replacement is recommended.
• Lubricate both tyre beads.
• Observe the rolling direction indicated by an arrow on one side.
• Perform bead to rim mounting using suitable levers and f inishing at the location
of the valve. Inf late without the valve core, and without interruption, until the beads
are well seated on the rim.
• Continue inf lation up to 3.5 bar (51 psi) for proper bead seating.
• Replace the valve core, inf late to the recommended pressure and f it the valve cap.
• The rim must be clean and in good condition.
• For safety reasons, it is recommended to use a new inner tube.
• Observe the rolling direction indicated by an arrow on one side.
• Lubricate the beads on both sides.
• Perform the mounting using suitable levers and f inishing at the valve location.
• Slowly inf late to 3.5 bar (51 psi) while ensuring the proper centering of the tyre on
the wheel.
• Completely def late the tyre in order to eliminate air pockets or correct a possible
wrong position of the tube.
• Inf late to the recommended pressure and f it the valve cap.
Technical data
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